Hosted Desktops

Hosted Desktop

Hosted Desktop

A hosted desktop employs virtualization to provide a remote desktop instance from a server through the Internet. It offers a mirror image of your office or home office desktop, even on your mobile device.

By hosting the operating system, applications, and data that typically reside on a physical desktop, a hosted desktop allows access from anywhere you are.

CMA specializes in hosting and managing critical business desktops, eliminating the need for installing local Windows software and applications on physical PCs or laptops. Users can easily access their designated virtual desktops in the cloud from any supported device, including Windows and Mac computers, laptops, iPads, and tablets.

The benefits of hosted desktops

  • Work from anywhere at any time
  • It allows access to all items / applications on your PC, including mapped drives – rather than e-mail or documents held in Sharepoint
  • It provides the full and latest versions of Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, Outlook, Publisher, PowerPoint) rather than just the online versions
  • Pay as you go
  • Increase data security
  • Increase business mobility
  • Secure and standardized desktop platform